Traingle Pose -Trikonasana

Traingle Pose
  • This pose helps in decreasing tension from our lower back.
Trikonasana on beach
  • If we do this pose regularly, it would help strengthening abdominal muscles, improving our digestion function. It also reduces the extra fat deposited on belly and thus helps in reducing the obesity.
  • Upper legs get much exercise, as they remain stretched during this pose.
  • Hamstring and hips are actively involved while we do this pose. The twists and turns provide good exercise to them.
This yoga posture generates a sense of balance within our body.

How to Perform Trikonasana
  1. Stand straight. Spread your legs apart in accordance with your height (2 – 2 1/2 feet wide).
  2. Place your palm on either side of your thighs. Fingers should remain straight and the palm unfolded.
  3. Raise your hands and keep them parallel to your shoulder on either sides. Keep your fingers straight and your hands should be in straight line with each other. Do not relax your elbows. Let the palms of your hands face down.
  4. Look straight.
  5. Breath normally twice or thrice, while remaining in this position.
  6. Take a deep breath. After two seconds move the upper part of your body to left while exhaling. Hands , head, eyes, neck, chest and shoulder should move in tandem. Feet should remain firm on the ground.
  7. Your gaze shall remain on the finger tips. Head and neck shall turn accordingly.
  8. Once moved maximum, you must have released your breath completely. Remaining for two seconds in that position return to the former state.
  9. Now repeat the process on your right hand side.
  10. Repeat 5 rounds.