Sarvanga Asana (The Shoulder Stand)

Sarvanga Asana (The Shoulder Stand)

  • Lie down on the floor with your legs together and your hands, push down, by your sides. inhaling, push down on your hands and raise your legs straight up above you.

  • Lift your hips off the floor and bring your legs up, over and beyond your head, at an angle of about45°.

  • Exhaling, bend your arms and support your body, holding as near the shoulders as possible, thumbs around the front of the body, fingers around the back. Push your back up, lift your legs.

  • Now straighten your spine and bring the legs up to a vertical position. Press your chin firmly into the base of your throat. Breathe slowly and deeply in the pose, gradually trying to work your elbows closer together and your hands further down your back toward the shoulders, so as to straighten your torso. Keep your feet relaxed. 


    Effective for Excessive anger or hate, Migraine headache, Liver disorder, hemorrhoids, Anemia, Hypertension, Indigestion.

    The Shoulder stand invigorates and rejuvenates your whole body.