Lie down in Shava Asana, legs together, hands by the side of your body, palms facing the floor.

Exhale and while inhaling start raising both the legs upward and hold them at 30 degrees. Continue normal deep breathing and keep raising legs.

Raise both legs together slowly up to 30Degrees angle.

After few seconds, raise further up to 45 Degrees angle.
After few seconds raise up to 60 Degrees angle and maintain it there for few seconds.

Stop when they make angle of 90 degree with the floor. Take supine position with legs together, hands together by the sides of the body. Palm resting on the ground

Keep your sight at the toes of feet.

Continue normal breathing and try to maintain the posture steady.

Do not bend the legs in knees and do not lift the lower back or buttocks.

Inhale and while exhaling start the process of bringing down both the legs and back on to the floor. While returning back to floor stop at 45 and 30 degrees angle for few seconds.

With right leg up, the left foot starts travelling down slowly, till the left heel touches the floor.

Start raising your left foot till it joins your right foot at 30 degrees. Now left leg remains up and right foot starts travelling down till the right heel touches the floor. Relax.

Now start raising your right foot till it joins your left foot, knees straight toes out stretched and slowly bring both feet down till both heels touch the floor and relax.

Just remember to concentrate on your breathing and synchronize your movements while doing the pose.

Those suffering from muscle pull and lumbar sodalities should avoid this Asana.

Those with High Blood Pressure and lower back aches should practice carefully. Initially, use your hands to raise your legs, but see that while raising your legs you don’t bend your knees.

Those nursing a spinal injury should do this Asana raising just one leg at a time. This is because, when you raise both your legs upwards, you will be putting undue strain on your spine.


This Asana is very beneficial for those suffering from diabetes, constipation, indigestion and nervous weakness.

In this asana, thigh muscles and stomach muscles are stretched. The strain reaches inner organs like small intestines, enzyme producing glands and other organs and helps increases their capacity. The vertical position of the legs helps improve blood circulation.

It exercises all the muscles in the abdominal region, both internal and externally, thus getting rid of a lot of disorders.

It corrects the pancreatic malfunction.

It strengthens the spinal cord and corrects disorders of the back.

It takes away the extra weight of abdominal areas and has significant healing and corrective effects on problems afflicting the waist or belly area, and the buttocks, as well as the hip-joints.