Cow pose -Markatasana




  • While inhaling, bend your knees and legs to the right and neck to the left. Try to touch your knees to the floor on the right side. Look to the left as far as possible.
  • Hold on to this position as long as you feel comfortable. Initially if you are not able to touch your knees on the floor, bend your knees till you are comfortable. Your hands, arms and shoulders should rest firmly on ground and should not move while turning your knees or neck.
  • Now exhale and come back to the starting position.
  • Now do this asana to the other side. While inhaling, bend your knees and legs to the left and neck to the right.



  • Flexible spine.
  • Ribs and lungs are exercised.
  • Cures diabetes.
  • Large intestine gets exercised, constipation and gas is cured.
  • Extremely effective in relaxing mind and body. Develops memory, increases self-knowledge and enhances creativity.